Around the Web

In October 2012, I wrote a piece for Digital Writing Month that counted (at that time) how much writing I had done on the web:
My contribution to the forest is: 435 posts, mostly on my blogs, but also includes guest posts and other digital writing; 47,641 (and counting) tweets, which includes founding #FYCchat and participating in various other Twitter chats (#digped or #dayofhighered); 24 stories on Storify; 147 comments on Disqus and 93 others using another name; and one Xtranormal video. But it only grows from there; this doesn’t include the hundreds and hundreds of comments on my various posts, the thousands of pageviews, the tweets and retweets, the links to my blog, and blog posts directly and indirectly inspired by what I have written (again, I’m particularly proud of#dayofhighered’s reach). Even three of my hard-to-find academic papers, those poor little potted plants, that I posted on have received almost 2000 views, joining the forest. This is the first time I’ve ever listed all the various trees in my forest, measured how big they have become, and I am awed by what it has grown into.
Here are some of the places where you can find me on the Web:
I have also published a number of guest blogs:
I've also appeared on the New York Times Motherload Blog, writing about parenting and reading. I discuss body issues on PigTailPals' blog. I'm a parent, too. If you want to dig REALLY deep into the archives, I had an article appear in SwimNews in print and online in (wait for it) 1997.

And even though this blog hasn't updated since October 2011, it still averages over 100 visits a day. Not Huffington Post numbers, I know, but still, not bad for an academic blog. 

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